Open Tryouts 2019 (Contact Coach Chris)
Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 pm- 8:30 pm.
Tryout Location
We will hold the tryouts on the far most East part of the complex near Kaiser Permanente
Please bring your cleats,ball,shin-guards and water. LOCATION FOR 2018 STILL PENDING!! Give Coach Chris a call, text or send an email.
For more information Please contact Robert Vargas Email:
Downey FC G01 Premier
Head Coach: Chris Garcia (562) 416-5120
Team Admin: Robert Vargas
Premier Team In Coast Soccer League
We are currently looking for Players in every position for our 2019-20 roster. 2019-20 will be our 5th year participating in the top Premier bracket of the Coast Soccer League and playing in the most competitive tournaments. Player needs to have skills, be aggressive, strong, and disciplined. Players must be born ON or AFTER January 1st, 2001 to play on this team. Player needs to be no less than a gold level or tier 1 player but we are open to a competitive hard working player that can compete in the premier level and that loves to work hard. If you are interested please click on the red tab and send the request to attend our tryouts.
Updated 3/27/19
“Winners Are Not Players That Never Fail, But Players Who Never Quit”